Chinese writing paper
World Geo Research Paper Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Frameworks Childcare Unit 10
The various systems for kids up until the age of 16 years the follow the national educational program and the early years establishment years is the age between, from birth-multi year old and the national educational plan is ages between 5-11 years. It is compulsory for all the schools and early years settings in ofsed enlisted settings to follow the early year’s establishment stage. The national educational program is separated into four diverse key stages toward the end stage there are SATS which are legal assessment.The early year’s establishment stage The early year establishment stage the point is to give learning through play to model it is significant for ever kid to be equivalent and to be a one of a kind youngster it is additionally critical to have a relationship with the guardians and for the kids government assistance is principal. Audit your condition to guarantee that it is intriguing, appealing and open to each youngster so they can learn independently.Th e national Curriculum The national educational plan is obligatory for all schools between 5-11 years of age, the mandatory national educational plan subjects are for key stages 1 and 2 which are English, maths, science, structure and innovation, ICT, history, geology, craftsmanship and plan, music and physical training these are estimated for children’s progress contrasted with all understudies over the country.How the EYFS are utilized by experts to help learning The activity of the professionals is to build up the six territories of learning by utilizing perceptions on the kids. To watch them to show how much advancement they have made and what realizing bunches they can go into for the best of there capacity. It is significant that the specialists use proportions since they can keep to the normal better and give passionate security.It is likewise significant that experts use wanting to address singular issues and to see the kid all encompassing perspective on the Childs ad vancement. It is significant that you plan exercises for the kids and have a scope of toys for all ages and to cover the six territories of learning stages. How the National Curriculum is utilized by educators to help learning The job of the instructor is to authorize the national educational program and guarantee that all youngsters have no different chances to work to there best ability.It is critical to have enough oversight and it is likewise significant for all the kids to have a key laborer which would be the instructor of the class which will be there to show the kids a wide range of exercises for instance, maths, composing, physical exercises, and innovative exercises. Additionally it is significant that the educator does arranging, for instance plan the exercises that you are going to show the youngsters for the week which is known as a momentary arrangement and furthermore plan for the month or the year which is called long haul arranging.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Morality, Behavior and Personality May Be Influenced Essay
Talk about how one’s ethical quality, conduct and character might be impacted by appropriation of a digital inner self in a Virtual Environment; in regard to both the individual embracing the digital sense of self and any onlookers/members inside the equivalent VE. At the point when one is in a virtual domain for long, one before long becomes persuaded that the internet world is this present reality which is the defining moment in his life after which everything betrays him. This virtual world that is mixed up to be this present reality is an equal world that one is in. the nearness of one in the virtual world that is nonâ€existent drives one to fall in a state is cognizance which is totally different from the one in reality. After this, one begins to think in an unexpected way, act in a way one has never acted and a ton of different things that before long don't sound good to him self either, however this is a reality that albeit one knows there is something incorrectly, one can not resist. (Johnson 2003) It turns into a piece of one’s life and is hard to receive in return. In the wake of being in an equal universe that is completely made up, there is various improvements that at that point change and aides our practices. It is an excursion which many individuals find intriguing. On their excursion to no where, when they are entering the virtual world, they bring the best morals that their religion could show them, superb ethics that they gained from their folks since they were kids and the social morals that they developed in since they were kids; all that is with them when they are entering the virtual world, however ironicly when they come out of it for something they are totally unique. (Pritchard 2000) One is a totally extraordinary person which some how loses every one of its qualities that were instructed to the person in question during their life expectancy and all the morals and ethics that they learned while they were in school and all that dives deep down the channel. How the virtual world influences culture, values, ethics, morals and impression of which individuals are and of what the world is, changes; is the thing that will talk about all through this report. (Ess 2006) When one enters a virtual situation, it is a clash of what is genuine and what one has deserted. This is the place one’s digital sense of self comes into picture. What's more, Cyber conscience is basically what an individual considers one self in a virtual domain. There is no uncertainty that there is a great deal of man-made reasoning engaged with the supposed virtual condition that one enters in, however there is an issue of digital conscience that makes numerous people question themselves before entering a situation all things considered. The virtues are lost and this isn't just evident yet has been experienced by numerous individuals who have committed an error of entering a virtual situation. Conversing with various individuals, individuals that one doesn't know about as ever in any event, existing before they began talking in the digital world, it changes one’s demeanor and the upgrades that one guided the person’s observation and condition of feeling; this all transform and make the individual an alternate individual, for every single wrong explanation. (Schultz 2005) There are a ton of things that affect our ethics and morals. For instance, the additional time one spends on it, the more forceful one gets. This forcefulness can be on the grounds that one can no more separate between this present reality that one lives in and the virtual world that one is in more often than not of the day. This forcefulness adds to the change in one’s demeanor and henceforth character. (Ess 2006) The progressions in one’s disposition and character all relies upon the amount one may be fascinated in digital inner self. The amount one would need oneself to be a piece of the virtual condition and embrace digital conscience is the issue that will likewise answer how much an individual changes and turns into a genuinely unique individual that one was definitely not. It is the distinction of choices that one makes that drives one towards building up a digital sense of self being unfortunate to a degree that it would drive the deep rooted ethics and morals out of the individual and make one a very surprising individual. Having this stated, it is of absolute worry of with regards to how the progressions happen. Some case that the way that a long stretch of time of the week are spent before the PC screens being in a world that is non existent. Having a character that isn't the character the individual has in reality, and faking that character to be the genuine one; if so is accomplished for quite a long time, each and every day of the week for a considerable length of time or even years, yes there will be an extraordinary change in what one accepts and what one sees. (George 2003) This will before long be trailed by the adjustments in the person’s feelings towards various things throughout everyday life, regardless of whether it is with family or companions or other friends and family. The feelings on occasion are not invigorated, in light of the fact that the individual is so fascinated with something and being totally another person that it before long loses the appeal of the incitement that it got from different boosts from the condition that mixed the individual to either be somebody or to accomplish something throughout everyday life. After such an excess of happening ordinarily it is extremely unlikely one won't be apathetic and not interested in different exercises circumventing it. (Rosinski 2007) Ever individual has an edge, to go past the edge of a person is standard a typical human’s limit. This limit despite the fact that stops the individual from being somebody that the individual isn't, at the end of the day turns out to be so. In this excursion of being somebody, one isn't in the virtual world is digital inner self and makes a very surprising individual with a totally unique character and in conclusion with twisted ethics and morals. (Francis 1996) Up till now in the article, the effect of digital self image on individuals who adjust the virtual condition had been talked about, however now the observer’s some portion of the proposition will be examined. At the point when an individual receives and becomes accustomed to of being in the virtual condition, one has an altogether different character inside the virtual world. This character and ethics that one probably has is altogether and totally unique in relation to that of this present reality. While individuals are watching a similar individual all through, they get a totally different individual outside the virtual world. In spite of the fact that if a similar talk is held in the digital condition, the individual is said to have ethics, morals and social qualities †practically all of which conflict with the ones that the individual has in reality †individuals would not so much know the distinction. The inquiry that a great deal of the individuals adjusting such propensities as to being a totally and very surprising individual over the web is supposed to be something that one ought not be glad for. In spite of the fact that exploration reveals to us that it is in their grasp to decide to be who they need to be while in the digital condition. Despite what might be expected, they can not be accused to have an alternate character and ethics. (Pritchard 2000) Every individual needs to be on the highest point of the world; having the ideal vehicle, the ideal life, the ideal family, the ideal occupation and who wouldn't like to be a tycoon. If not this, an individual may depict one self to be something that one has for the longest time been itching to be in reality. The explanation being it is that individuals can not be that individual in all actuality; things are not as simple as they appear to be. Saying that one needs to be a specialist, isn't excessively simple, one must have the soul, the aspiration, the cash to get in to a clinical school, and a great deal of different things excessively that accompany it. (Schultz 2005) One can depict to be who ever one needs, with all the treats of the world †just in the virtual world. Individuals begin lying, adjust digital sense of self, and become entirely unexpected people. There is no motivation behind why this phony character would not influence this present reality character. Not exclusively do the onlookers and different clients of the virtual condition notice a few signals, well different clients are doing likewise as well, thus they will in general get prompts that way as well, however the others outside this made up world notification changes in the person also. One of the progressions that are very unmistakable is forcefulness. (George 2003) having diverse character and ethics in the virtual condition is for them to get inside bliss that they probably won't get in reality. The motivation behind why the world that individuals live in is alleged this present reality and the world that individuals adjust to and live in is purported the virtual world, is on the grounds that the supposed genuine world is so not the same as the world that individuals need to live in. The virtual world is totally made up and totally phony and individuals get the path of least resistance by professing to have things they don't have and being somebody else. They wish to consider themselves to be being deserving of such bliss and achievement. What's more, paying little mind to the way that they prevail, in actuality, in it or not, in the virtual world they are fruitful. This invigorates them inward satisfaction and, on one hand it pushes them to invest more energy in the virtual condition and depict them to be effective and then again, they become increasingly steady, inwardly. (Rosinski 2007) An individual is totally unique which some how causes one to lose every one of its qualities that were instructed to the person in question during their life expectancy and all the morals and ethics that they learned while they were in school and all that dives deep down the channel. How the virtual world influences our way of life, values, ethics, morals and view of which we are is imperative to comprehend. (Francis 1996) People in the virtual condition and outside it are incredible spectators, they get prompts better when they them selves are engaged with similar exercises, henceforth watching a similar individual for the duration of the time that they have been in contact, and they get an altogether different individual outside the virtual world. In spite of the fact that if a similar talk is held in the digital condition, the individual is said to have ethics, morals and social qualities †practically all of which conflict with
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Ring Committee
Ring Committee On May 18th I wrote a blog entry called “Ring Committee†which was about as popular as anything else I write amongst a prefrosh audience but went over like a bag of rocks with the MIT administration. Long story short, I removed the entry, but I think its time to explain why. Why was this the first (or second?) entry thats ever had to be removed from the MIT blogs? Heres the official Ben Jones reason: I asked Snively to remove it until wed had a chance to talk about it, and he graciously agreed to do so. The problem with the post was that it was undoubtedly going to become a heated debate between current students and other current students, and wasnt really going to serve prospective students, the target audience of this site. I support Snively 100% in wanting to have that discussion, but I just dont think this is the place to do it, considering the mission of the Admissions blogs. Its something that needs to be worked out between current students and then translated to the web (whether positively or negatively), not something that needs to be worked out in real time on the Admissions site. Its true that we encourage our bloggers to write about the negative along with the positive its what gives us credibility. But allowing the blogs to become a full-on soapbox is a slippery slope, and one that we cant go down. People who dont yet live/breathe/eat/sleep MIT and its culture dont have all of the context/perspective needed to process some of what gets said. My goal in writing that entry was a steroid-enhanced introduction to MIT politics and an impromptu demonstration of this awesome little MIT tradition known as a flame war. What better way to learn about something than to experience it? While I still hold to this “experience is the best route to understanding†philosophy, I guess you should probably experience MIT politics and flame wars once you get here and just have them explained in the meantime. Topic One: MIT Politics MIT is very student run in everything from dorm life, clubs and activities, rush, REX, and CPW activities, the GAMIT, campus tours, and much much much more. We even have our own senate. Since students have so much say as to what goes on, its important that everybody knows whats going on. If somebody wants to get something changed, its actually possible, so its up to all of the other students to keep everything in check. In the case of the Ring Committee fiasco, there was a campus-wide uproar when Ring Committee was announced. E-mail at MIT lit up that day and it was hard to walk outside without hearing the word “ring†at least once. This is why I blogged it, because it was what was currently happening at MIT, and I like to blog whats going on at MIT. As a prefrosh I had no idea how political MIT was. As a freshman Im constantly getting e-mails inviting me to discussions, meetings, asking me to sign petitions, fight for some cause, or complain about the administration in some form or fashion. Most of these get sent to dorm mailing lists. Dorm mailing lists? Each dorm has a voluntary mailing list that allows members from the dorm to talk to each other about dorm stuff, be it asking for a cookie sheet or trying to figure out who dumped a bucket of water off the top floor that splashed into somebodys room on the 2nd floor. As useful as these lists are, they can also be dangerous weapons, since people have figured out that they make excellent tools for getting your message out to hundreds of people. Theres no specific audience with these lists, its essentially like target shooting with a shotgun; if you blanket the entire target you may get somebody whos interested. One group that has this figured out is the Society for Women Engineers. Theyre pretty much guaranteed that half of the people who receive their e-mails (sent quite regularly to every dorm on campus) just dont care. The guys have come up with several solutions to the constant female-only e-mails theyre receiving: 1)Complain loudly that there should be MIT-Male and MIT-Female lists 2)Show up to the SWE events and eat their food, claiming you were invited via e-mail 3)Create a Society for Male Engineers solely dedicated to out-spamming the SWE Anywho, this little background into dorm mailing lists and their usefulness in propagating word of MIT political situations is a great segue into our next topic: Topic Two: The Flame War Alright, lesson numero uno of MIT â€" BCC, not CC! If youre going to hit all of the dorm lists with something make sure you blind carbon copy it because then nobody knows if you actually blanketed everybody and cant reply all. If you CC all of the dorm lists then all it takes is one Reply All and youve got a recipe for disaster. On October 22nd 2006 an e-mail was sent to all of the dorm lists complaining that somebody had lost their sweatshirt with their fraternity pledge pin on it and wanted to know if anybody had found it. What erupted was one of the most epic things the MIT mail servers have ever seen. MIT students dont actually hate each other. Were very cordial and friendly, honestly. But, were also tech geeks and the Internet is our domain. When somebody compromises the integrity of the Internet there is oftentimes some lashing out. When somebody feels its necessary to CC all the dorm lists people get a little annoyed at the lack of webiquette. To vent their annoyance they reply all and warn against anybody else spamming the dorm lists. This oftentimes brings out more reply alls, snowballing into a huge MIT mudslinging competition. In the case of the pledge pin the e-mails got so ridiculous that it almost destroyed the MIT mail servers. An e-mail sent from one laptop to a laptop sitting a foot away took 3 days to deliver during this spam war. How come? The e-mails started to get HUGE! People, angry for the sake of being angry, started copy pasting entire novels into the bodies of their e-mails. I know the Bible was on that flame war, along with Vlad the Impaler. Other novels and huge image attachments were present, resulting in an e-mail containing megabytes of text and dozens of megabytes of images. Sent to over two thousand students. Multiple times. Within five minutes. For several days. All through the MIT mail servers. If something like this happens and youre the root of it, well, no hard feelings because everybody enjoys a good flame war. In fact, once you get past the initial “everybody on campus might be angry at you†you may actually become famous for starting it. But dont. Dont start a flame war. If you do, the people at Bexley may have to make a YouTube video out of it. Right, so thats the skinny on the MIT Flame War: All in good fun and not actually as angsty as they appear. Shortly after my blog post about the Ring Committee issue, a Flame War ensued (one that almost played out live on the MIT blogs). While it didnt crash the mail servers there were some entertaining bits and pieces of it, which Ill share. After going several dozen posts with some fairly respectable content, things started to degrade. Then somebody started one of the lines of their e-mail with this bit of code: print .join(map(lambda x: *randint(0,5)+NOM,range(5000))) Uh-oh. A quick bit of translation, it basically says “pick a number between zero and five. Write NOM that many times in a row. Repeat five thousand times.†In response to all of the OmNomNomNom somebody else titled their next e-mail as “50 Mudkip Post.†Do you know what a Mudkip is? Its this cute little Pokemon that looks hungry. Anyway, you know what happens in a “50 Mudkip Postâ€? ASCII art. A lot of it. This is what a Mudkip looks like in ASCII . . . And this is what the actual e-mail thread looked like, complete with NOMNOMs and Mudkips. Click at your own risk ? PDF less than 1 Mb The e-mail thread quickly took an interesting turn that will prevent me from posting anything else on here, but it ended up being over 100 messages long. All the more reason to want to go to MIT, so you can be immersed in the tradition that is the MIT flame war. Also, did I mention that this was during finals? You know, that time we should have been studying? That time when everybody was mad at the world? Yeah, wonderful time to set off the MIT flame war bomb. So, just to recap. My goal in writing the now-removed “Ring Committee†post was to immerse you in a real-life MIT politics experience. That was bad. Hopefully you now have a bit better understanding of how student-organized the politics at MIT are and why so many people choose to get involved. I also hope that youve been introduced to the MIT flame war and have learned that they can be quite entertaining. No, nobody means anything they say on a flame war. Yes, we really are nice people. No, Ill try not to get any of my posts removed from the blogs anymore. But hey, walking that line is a good thing, it keeps things real, you know? Post Tagged #Brass Rat
Friday, May 22, 2020
Industrial Revolution Evolved In Britain - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 367 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/05/15 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Industrial Revolution Essay Did you like this example? Industrial Revolution evolved in Britain in the 18th century, mass production, factories, and steam engines started to take place. Industrial Revolution changed Britains society forever because everything had changed. British industries were small workshops, and everything was made by hand. Britain was dependent on India for cotton however after the Industrial Revolution they can take raw cotton and made the thread themselves and England became the center for that. Soon After the Industrial Revolution moved beyond Britain to United States because of a man named Samuel Slater known as the father of the American Industry. According to the article McNeese, T. (2017). In 1789, 21-year-old Slater was a manager at the Cromford Mill. That same year, he read an advertisement placed by the Pennsylvania assembly in a local paper in Derby. The ad was a recruiting call for Englishmen who had the skills to build textile-producing machinery, to immigrate to the States. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Industrial Revolution Evolved In Britain" essay for you Create order Any such skilled individual was promised a cash reward. At that time, advanced English textile technology was kept under legal lock and key, with laws declaring it illegal for any such individual to immigrate out of Great Britain. Any such textile expert who tried could be imprisoned. Slater was intrigued and enticed by the Pennsylvania legislatures offer. Soon, he began memorizing the mechanics of the mill where he worked, making furtive sketches and drawings at home. Arkwrights ideas were going to America. By September 1789, Slater was on his way to London where he bought his passage on a ship bound for the U.S., putting down on his application for immigrating that he was a farm boy, not a long-time textile machinist. His disguise was simple he simply donned the clothes of a country farmer. Here was young Slater, taking an alias, smuggling himself out of his native country, to gain advantages for a new life of textile-making in America. Samuel Slater successfully brought Industry to the United States. Samuel Slaters mill was successful and provided labor for more than 100 children and adult managers and overseers in America. Americans were leaving their farm and moving to the urban areas where they would work in factories. United States went from being agrarian society to being Industrialized urban society.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Vital Pieces of Cal Bar Fylse Essay Samples
Vital Pieces of Cal Bar Fylse Essay Samples Cal Bar Fylse Essay Samples Fundamentals Explained Citations and extracts from several sources have to be formatted properly. Instead, you are going to be expected to compose an essay answer. This essay is an excellent reminder for students to take some time to thoroughly review past essays to observe how issues can show up on the exam. Writing successful evidence essays is dependent on adequate understanding of the various rules of evidence and productive essay writing ability. But, I believe this book ought to be supplemented with a different source for examples of essays written in a different style so as to remain aware of all of the styles that are suitable for the bar exam. PaperCoach will be able to help you with all your papers, so take a look at this time! Papers Writings By Sully Collins Writing a paper is a complicated assignment, especially if it's the case that you do not have great writing skills. How to Find Cal Bar Fylse Essay Samples Online A whole lot of people believe they can't write essays till they have everything memorized. This has been shown to be an extremely powerful and speedy method to assist with a writing assignment and find the business done properly. It is crucial to have a great comprehension of the law, whether someone should just sit down and refresh themselves or teach it to themselves for the very first time. To begin with, by waiting till you have the law memorized you don't find the context for the law you're t rying to learn and you understand less. You have to spot all the problems! Our job is to help you better your chances and receive a positive outcome when you take the MBE! Your solution ought to be complete, but you shouldn't volunteer information or discuss legal doctrines that are not pertinent to the solution of the issue. Instead you wish to learn new material and set it in the suitable context. The Pain of Cal Bar Fylse Essay Samples It's very possible that other examinees are feeling the identical way as you. Many students noted they struggled with the California Evidence question because it had several issues to spell out in a brief period of time. The Pain of Cal Bar Fylse Essay Samples In the event you haven't noticed, I'm a huge proponent of learning from the true test. It would be a mistake to assume you do not really have to study the California evidence distinctions. The other review courses don't. If your payment isn't received before the last filing deadl ine, your application is going to be abandoned and you'll be accountable for paying all outstanding fees including late fees. Eventually, you'll need to complete 200 MBEs in 1 day. Once you have studied for a couple weeks, revisit your schedule and make certain it still seems appropriate and realistic. Start Early One of the biggest mistakes you may make is waiting too much time to start. To start with, do MBEs daily. Sequester Yourself As mentioned previously, you are going to want to steer clear of post-mortem discussions like the plague. Practicing that memorization throughout the procedure is also important. Bear in mind you won't be called on to compose a Torts outline on the bar exam. It isn't that all will appear on the next administration, or it would be smart to study only these areas. Using Cal Bar Fylse Essay Samples Therefore, it's well worth it to study the absolute most highly tested California distinctions. Nationwide, bar examinations are becoming toughe r. You will have to know both the multistate and California law in these types of subjects. Second, as a foreigner with no U.S. law background, I was searching for a good program containing all the needed materials to develop into legal counsel in the United States. Like every test, not only the bar exam, the simpler the man reading an answer understands the examinee's position, the simpler it is going to be to award points. Sufficient understanding of each one of these areas is crucial for success on the Bar Exam. If you literally can't afford to obtain sample written materials and your state's bar doesn't offer completely free samples, look to a different state bar to determine if it has posted some samples. Details that isn't within the bar code is going to be, in the majority of instances, the price as various unique shops which stock the merchandise may need to charge various amounts. Limited stock now offered. The cost of an essay is dependent upon the total amount of effort the writer has to exert. In regard to real helpfulness, however, I feel this book is worthwhile. Within this post, I would like to speak about the 2 books I have experience with using to get ready for the bar.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Free Essays
The Scarlet Letter, various characters demonstrate sacrifice for what they value. The act of sacrifice is seen commonly in the book, especially with Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth, along with their interactions with each other. The story begins with Hester Prynne with her daughter Pearl and a scarlet letter â€Å"A†on her breast. We will write a custom essay sample on In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s or any similar topic only for you Order Now Roger Chillingworth, a doctor and Hester’s husband, comes to town and learns of Hester having an affair while he was away in England. As she is publicly shamed for not revealing the identity of her lover, Chillingworth is now intent on revenge against that man. Years later, Hester is still shunned as she finds a job in needle-working and Pearl grows to be a mischievous child. After finding out that city officials plan to take Pearl away, Hester calls upon Arthur Dimmesdale, a frail, young minister to convince them otherwise. Chillingworth takes interest, and moves in with him as Dimmesdale’s personal physician, and begins to pry open his character. As the minister’s condition becomes increasingly worse, Hester meets with him and decides to run away to Europe where they can start over and live as a family with Pearl. On the day of the departure, Dimmesdale delivers a final speech and confesses to his affair with Hester, then dies. Chillingworth dies a year later, Hester returns years later, and Pearl is married to an aristocrat with a family. The act of sacrifice is evident in Hester Prynne with her endurance of public shamings and being a societal outcast to defend the integrity of Arthur Dimmesdale. Prynne felt that â€Å"the sacrifice of the clergyman’s good name, and death itself†(Hawthorne 174) would have been better than lying about the identity of Chillingworth and Dimmesdale. Regardless, Hester chose to save the minister’s reputation and in turn, was humiliated and isolated from society. However, this choice would eventually cause anguish and suffering for Dimmesdale and later, his death. The narrator also states everyone â€Å"had frowned on her,â€â€for seven long years had it frowned upon this lonely woman,â€â€and still she bore it all†(175-176). Hester’s sacrifice is made clear as she bears the scarlet letter and becomes an outcast for seven long years. She is constantly shamed as seen by her public humiliation, and neither her or Pearl can live a normal life as a result. After years of living like this, Hester realizes what she perceives as her mistake, and goes to meet with Chillingworth and Dimmesdale to settle their complex situation. Throughout the text, Roger Chillingworth has also sacrificed much, namely his old life as a scholar in order to enact revenge. Hester notices that Chillingworth’s â€Å"aspect of an intellectual and studious man†had disappeared and was replaced with a â€Å"blackness†¦ a glare of red light out of his eyes, as if the old man’s soul were on fire†(153). The doctor’s old, scholarly personality has vanished as a result of his intent of revenge shortly after arriving in town. Thirsty for revenge, he preyed on Dimmesdale and torment him by exploring his secrets, and investigating his character. Chillingworth’s hatred would turn him to be a cold and cruel man, being seen as â€Å"transforming himself into a Devil, if he will only, for a reasonable space of time, undertake a Devil’s office†(153). Chillingworth stuck to the minister almost to the point of addiction, unraveling and torturing him to such an extent, his work is compared to that of the Devil. Roger had sacrificed his old personality and life, to the point of taking on a new identity, that the only value he saw in life was taking revenge on Dimmesdale. By pursuing his dream of vengeance , Chillingworth drives both himself and Dimmesdale to the edge of madness, eventually distorting his own soul and leading to the minister’s act of flagellation before causing both their deaths. Arthur Dimmesdale also displays sacrifice, most notably near the end of the text, by confessing and relinquishing his priestly position to stand with his family for the first and last time. As the minister stands on the scaffold, he calls out to Hester and Pearl, stating that he will do what he â€Å"withheld [himself] from doing seven years ago†(226) and for Hester to â€Å"support [him] up yonder scaffold†(226). In his final hour, Arthur decides to sacrifice his saintly appearance to the town in order to repent to everyone of his sin. The minister realizes his position with his family after his encounter with Hester in the forest, and gives up his life as a preacher. Chillingworth tries to plead with his victim and begs â€Å"Do not blacken your fame, and perish in dishonor!†(225) and desperately asks â€Å"Would you bring infamy on your sacred profession?†(225). Chillingworth attempts to stop the minister from confessing are futile as Dimmesdale knows exactly what he’s giving up to be with his family. The townspeople cannot agree of what they saw that day, but Dimmesdale and his sacrifice allows the townspeople to realize that anyone can be sinful, later sharing a grave with Hester with a scarlet letter on the headstone. How to cite In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Molar Volume of Hydrogen Lab free essay sample
Molar volume is the volume that one mole of gas occupies when temperature and pressure are kept constant. The molar volume of a gas can be determined through evaluating how much gas is given off when the number of moles of the substance is known. To find the volume of gas that will be used to calculate the molar volume, the process of water displacement can be used. Reference Citation Cesa, J. (2002). ChemTopic labs: Experiments and demonstrations in chemistry (vol. 9). Batavia, Il: Flinn Scientific. Calculations (Weight of Mg ribbon used for conversion) (____ ¬.50 g ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬____) = .038 g/cm2 (Width of ribbon)(length of conversion Mg ribbon) (.3 cm x 44.15 cm) (Conversion factor)(Length of Mg ribbon)(width of Mg ribbon) = mass of Mg ribbon .038 g/cm2 (.9 cm x .3cm) = .0103 g Volume of H2 gas 11.5 mL Amount to be subtracted or removed to correct the meniscus- .2 mL Corrected volume of H2 gas 11.3 mL Corrected volume of H2 gas converted to liters 11. We will write a custom essay sample on Molar Volume of Hydrogen Lab or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 3 mL (1 x 10-3 L) =.0113 L (1 mL) Temperature of water bath in K 22.1 °C + 273.15K = 295.3K Barometric Pressure minus water vapor pressure equals pressure of H2 gas 744.72 mmHg – 19.8 mmHg = 724.9 mmHg P1V1T2 = V2 (724.9 mmHg)(.0113 L)(273.15 K) = 9.97 x 10-3 L P2T1 (760 mmHg)(295.3 K) Volume of H2 (g) at STP Volume of H2 gas (9.97 x 10-3 L) = 23.5 L/mol Theoretical amount of moles (4.24 x 10 -4 mol) Molar Volume Mass of Mg ribbon times molar mass equals moles of Mg .0103 g Mg ( 1 mol ) = 4.24 x 10-4 mol Mg (24.3050 g) Percent Yield (23.5 L/mol) x 100 = 105% (22.42 L/mol) Percent Yield Data Tables Data Table 1 Length of Mg Ribbon.9 cm Mass of Mg.0103 g Evidence of Chemical ReactionGas bubbles came up off of the iron cage containing the Mg ribbon Volume of H2 Gas 11.5 mL Corrected Volume of H2 Gas11.3 mL Temperature of Water Bath Before Reaction22.1 ° C Temperature of Water Bath After Reaction22.0 ° C Barometric Pressure744.72 mmHg Discussion Water displacement can be used to determine the amount of a gas that a reaction exudes. That volume can then be used to calculate the molar volume of the gas after the measured volume is corrected for differences in temperature and pressure. When a metal, acid, and water are placed into a graduated cylinder, that graduated cylinder can then be inverted into a water bath. As a reaction occurs, the gas that is produced will rise to the new â€Å"top†of the graduated cylinder. This will push some of the water out of the graduated cylinder and into the water bath. The volume of gas can be determined after the reaction has run to completion by reading the amount of space the gas has taken up and subtracting .2 mL due to the inverted meniscus. Using a copper wire, a â€Å"cage†was made around a .9 cm long piece of magnesium ribbon, which was then placed into a rubber stopper. After placing 5.0 mL of 2 M hydrochloric acid into a 25 mL graduated cylinder, distilled water was layered overtop of the acid until the water was almost brimming of the edge. The rubber stopper was put into the graduated cylinder firmly, and then quickly inversed into the water bath. The formation of gas signified that a reaction was occurring. The gas was able to be collected at the top of the graduated cylinder when it was inversed due to the pressure pushing the water out of the graduated cylinder. The results were recorded before the reaction was finished due to a time constraint. The volume of hydrogen gas was 11.5 mL, and the corrected volume was 11.3 mL because of the inversed meniscus, and the temperature of the water bath after the reaction was 22.1  °C. Using this information, the theoretical amount of moles of H2 gas that was to be produced was found to be 4.24 x 10 -4 moles, which was calculated by converting our mass of Mg ribbon into moles of H2. Using the combined gas law we calculated the volume of H2 gas at STP. This then allowed us to find the molar volume of our lab by dividing the volume of H2 gas produced at STP by the theoretical amount of moles. Our molar volume was 23.5 L/ mole. We found our percent yield to be 105%, and this was calculated by dividing our lab’s molar volume by the theoretical molar volume. Since our percent yield cannot actually be 105%, one or more errors could have occurred to cause this issue. One error that could have occurred was wrapping the copper wire too tightly around the magnesium. This would cause the reaction to take much longer than if we had wrapped it more loosely. Due to time, we weren’t able to let the reaction completely finish. Although, we determined that the amount of gas that was left to be given off was much too small of an amount to make much of a difference. Another error was how our total barometric pressure was an average between the pressure reading in the hallway and the pressure reading in the room. Using an average would have caused a difference in our calculations because since the barometric pressure was not exact, any calculations involving this average would not be completely correct. Another error could have been if we missed a spot of oxidation on our magnesium ribbon, which then could have caused a new substance to be introduced to the reaction. This error could have caused the molar volume of hydrogen to be lower than what was to be expected because part of the Mg would have already reacted. Even if we did clean off all of the visible oxidation, this metal would have started oxidizing again immediately. One last error was if we had allowed air to get into the graduated cylinder. This could have caused a bubble to form, which would have made our measured volume too high. Pre-Lab Questions: 1. Vapor pressure of water at 22.0 °C = 19.8 mmHg Mg (s) + HCl (aq) → H2 (g) 22.0 °C + 273.2 K = 295.2 K Ptotal = P(g) + P(H2) 746 mmHg = P(g) + 19.8 mmHg 726 mmHg = P(g) 2. P1V1T2= P2V2T1 22.0 °C + 273.2 K = 295.2 K 31.0 mL (1x 10 -3 L) = .0310 L ( 1 mL ) (726 mmHg)(.031 L)(273.15 K) = .0274 L (760 mmHg )(295.2 K) 3. Mg (s) + 2HCl (aq) → MgCl2 (aq) + H2 (g) Mg = 24.3050 g/mol 0.028 g Mg ( 1 mol ) = .0012 mol Mg (24.3050 g) 4. Corrected volume of H2 = .0274 L = 22.8 L/mol Theoretical # of moles of H2 .0012 mol Post-Lab Questions 1..0103 g Mg (1 mol Mg) (1 mol H2) = 4.24 x 10 -4 mol H2 (24.3050 g) (1 mol Mg) The theoretical number of moles of hydrogen gas produced in Trial 1 was 4.24 x 10 -4 moles. 2. 744.72 mmHg ( 1 atm ) = .97989 atm (760 mmHg) 19.8 mmHg ( 1 atm ) = .0261 atm (760 mmHg) Ptotal = P(H20) + P(H2) .97989 atm = (.0261 atm) + P(H2) P(H2) = .9538 atm The partial pressure of hydrogen gas that was produced was .9538 atm. 3. P1V1T2 = V2 (724.9 mmHg)(.0113 L)(273.15 K) = 9.97 x 10-3 L P2T1 (760 mmHg)(295.3 K) 9.97 x 10-3 L ( 1 mL ) = 9.97 mL (1 x 10-3 L) The hydrogen gas would occupy 9.97 x 10-3 L or 9.97 mL 4. 9.97 mL H2 gas ( 1 x 10 -3) = 9.97 x 10-3 L ( 1 mL ) Molar Volume = (Volume of H2) (9.97 x 10-3 L H2 ) = 23.5 L / mol (Theoretical # of moles H2) (4.24 x 10-4 mol H2) The molar volume is 23.5 L/ mol. 5. Percent error = |Experimental value – Literature value| x 100 Literature value Percent error = |23.5 L – 22.42 L| x 100 = 4.82% 22.42 L The percent error was 4.82% 6. 1 mol of H2 (g) (2.02 g ) (1 mol) = .0860 g/L Molar volume (1 mol ) (23.5 L ) The experimental value for the hydrogen gas was 0.860 g/L while the literature value was .0899 g/L. 7. A bubble of air in the graduated cylinder would have caused the measured volume of hydrogen gas to be too high. This would have happened because of the appearance of more hydrogen gas when the volume was read initially. 8. The error of oxidation would have caused the measured volume to be lower than it should have been due to the introduction of an extra substance (the oxidation) being added to the reaction because part of the Mg would have already reacted with the oxidation. 9. Buret mL converted to L 50. mL (1 x 10 -3L ) = .050 L ( 1 mL ) Temperature of water bath from  °C to K 22.1 °C + 273.2K = 295.3K n= PV RT n= (744.72 mmHg) (.050L) = 2.0 x 10 -3 mol (62.4 L mmHg/mol K)( 295.3K) Converting mol of Mg to mass 2.0 x 10 -3 mol Mg ( 24.3050g) = .049 g Mg ( 1 mol ) Converting mass of Mg to length .049 g Mg (44.15 cm) = 4.3 cm ( .50 g ) The maximum length of Mg ribbon that should be used is 4.3 cm.
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