Saturday, November 30, 2019
Mashall Mathers LP 2 by Eminem free essay sample
EMINEM He’s back! With his new album The Marshall Mathers LP 2, Eminem has returned and has already sold 792,000 copies! Eminem claims his new album is not a sequel but a re-visitation to his previous album The Marshall Mathers LP. The album includes the songs â€Å"Bezerk†â€Å"Rap God†and â€Å"The Monster†featuring Rihanna. â€Å"The Monster†is one of the more popular songs, considering it is played on the radio at least ten times a day. The Marshall Mathers LP 2 is an upbeat album full of cockiness, witty remarks, and brutal honesty. In â€Å"The Monster†featuring Rihanna, he raps â€Å"Wanted to receive attention for my music, wanted to be left alone in public, excuse me.†Eminem vocalizes about his bittersweet relationship with his fame. In one of his previous albums Encore, he includes a song that is dedicated to his daughter Haley, in which he apologizes for his new-found fame and the consequences that followed it. We will write a custom essay sample on Mashall Mathers LP 2 by Eminem or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Eminem seems to regret his fame, because of the miles that were put between him and his daughter. The monster Eminem seems to be referring to in his new hit is the fame he has received over the years. Later, the bittersweet relationship with his fame is completely thrown out the window when he produced â€Å"Rap God†and â€Å"Bezerk.†In â€Å"Rap God†he raps â€Å"I’m devastating, more than ever demonstrating how to give a m**********n’ audience a feeling like its levitating.†The entirety of the song is spent gloating on how he is a Rap God and all the other rappers need to bow down. The song was produced in complete cockiness. It gives a confident boost to the listener, which in return makes it one of the best songs on the album. The song â€Å"Bezerk†is full of witty remarks and a whole bunch of back in the day hip-hop and rock mixed in within the melody. One of the older pieces of music within the track is The Beasties boy’s song â€Å"Fight for your right to party,†which came out in 1986. The older music that is intertwined within it really makes the song stick out of the album. â€Å"Bezerk†is a song full of energy, the occasional F bomb and a shout-out to Lamar Odom. Eminem even goes all out and puts Khloe Kardashian on blast! Overall, his album is worth the purchase on ITunes. His song â€Å"Monster†will have the audience singing the chorus along with Rihanna, while â€Å"Rap God†provides a boost of confidence as well as witty remarks. As for â€Å"Bezerk†it will have the listener on their toes, waiting for the next lyric to come and finding themselves enjoying the old school Hip-Hop intertwined in it. As Eminem would say â€Å"Let yourself goâ⠂¬ and buy The Marshall Mathers LP 2.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Supply and demand; Market for Milk
Supply and demand; Market for Milk Introduction Demand can be defined as the amount of goods or services that the buyers are willing and able to buy in a specific duration of time (Rittenberg, 2008, p. 58). The quantity demanded can be determined by various factors. In most cases, consumer’s choice to consume a particular product is determined by their preferences and tastes for particular products as well as the prices. On the other hand, the quantity supplied is the amount of goods or services that buyers are willing and able to supply in the market in a specific time. In this study, we are considering the market for milk.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Supply and demand; Market for Milk specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Impact on price and quantity of milk of an advertising campaign which highlights scientific studies that finds that drinking milk can help reduce weight gain The main aim for an organization to conduct an advertisement is to increase the level of sales. An advert plays a role of enticing consumers to buy a certain good or service. Advertisement also has a purpose of creating top of mind awareness. This offers a form of branding which attracts customers. An advert informing potential buyers on its significance in weight loss will entice new customers who may not have been consuming milk to switch into milk consumption. This will lead to an increase in the quantity of milk demanded. An advert informing customers on scientific discovery indicating the importance of milk in weight loss may also encourage the existing buyers to increase their levels of consumption. This will also lead to an increase in the level of milk sales. As already seen, an advertisement increases the level of the quantity demanded. With time, the level of demand may exceed the quantity supplied. This will lead to an increase in prices. This is based on the assumption that all other factors are held constant. There are other factors wh ich affects the quantity demanded for milk. For instance, an increase in the level of households’ income increases the quantity of milk demanded. For instance, an increase in the level of the household’s income in China and the surrounding regions has significantly led to an increase in milk prices (Arnold, not dated, par 4). Prices increases as a result of high demand for milk which is as a result of high household incomes. Impact on price and quantity of milk of a mad cow disease epidemic A mad cow disease has various effects on the milk market. It can lead to a decrease in the level of quantity supplied in the market. The affected animals reduce the level of production. If the disease persists, the level of quantity demanded will exceed the level of quantity supplied. This will lead to rising in milk prices. This is under the assumption that other factors are held constant. Impacts of milk price decrease According to the law of demand, the prices and the quantity of product demanded are moves in opposite direction. That is, when the prices increase, the quantity demanded decreases. This conclusion is based on the assumption that other factors which affect milk market are held constant. Therefore, a decrease in the prices of milk leads to an increase in the quantity of milk demanded.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Impact on price and quantity of milk by the government decides to implement a price ceiling. A price ceiling is a form of government intervention to protect consumers. Through a price ceiling, a government sets price limits over which the prices of a particular commodity should not exceed. In order for a price ceiling to have any effect to the consumers, it must be set below the market equilibrium. Otherwise it will be ineffective. A price ceiling on the prices of milk will lead to a lower milk price below the mark et equilibrium price. This will lead to an increase in the quantity of milk demanded. Impact of an increase in the prices of a compliment good; cookies Compliment goods are goods which are used in conjunction with each other. Therefore, we expect an increase in level of demand in one of these to induce an increase in the level of demand for the other good. For instance, it is assumed that cookies are used in conjunction with milk. Therefore, a change in demand in one of these will lead to changes in the quantity of milk demanded. Therefore, an increase in prices of cookies leads to an increase in the quantity of milk demanded. Price controls Price control is the attempt by the government to control the prices of goods and services in the market. This is usually aimed at maintaining availability of basic needs to the customers. Advantage Of To Price Controls One of the main advantages is that it maintains the affordability of basic goods and services. For instance, a price ceiling lo wers the prices of milk below the market levels. At lower prices, more people can afford milk and this will maintain a healthy nation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Supply and demand; Market for Milk specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Disadvantage of price controls There are several drawbacks associated with price controls. Price control leads to shortages. When the government puts demands the producer to provide prices below the market prices, the amount of the product demanded will exceed the quantity supplied in the market. The level of demand increases to the point where supply cannot be kept up. These shortages can lead to black markets as people try to find a solution for shortages (Anonymous, 2008, par 2). Price Elasticity of Demand Elasticity of demand can be defined as the percentage change in the level of quantity demanded of a particular good or service divided by the percentage change in the prices of th at particular good or services all other things held constant (Rittenberg, 2008, p. 115). In the case of inelastic goods, consumers are less responsive to changes in prices. In this case, the elasticity of demand is less than one. That is, e1. In the milk market, consumers are less responsive to changes in prices. This is because milk is a basic good. Also, there are no close substitutes for milk. Therefore, the demand for milk is inelastic. Consequently, people may continue to consume milk despite of increase in prices. However, there may be slight changes in quantity demanded. There are several determinants of elasticity of demand. These include the availability of substitutes, time or availability of households’ budget. In the case of milk, there are no close substitutes; therefore the demand is likely to be inelastic. Impact of Milk Prices Increase on the Total Revenue Total revenue is the amount of money received from the sale of goods and services. That is, TR=QP. In th e case of elastic demand, any change in price has a significant impact on the quantity demanded. Since the demand for milk is inelastic, changes in price will lead to a small change in the level of revenue. Therefore, the total revenue will change with a small percentage. Reference List Anonymous (2008). Price Controls – Advantages and Disadvantages. Web.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Arnold, A. (n.d.). Thirst for Milk Bred by New Wealth Sends Prices Soaring. Web. Rittenberg, L. (2008). Principles of Microeconomics. New York: Flat World Knowledge.
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Many Forms of Plurals
The Many Forms of Plurals The Many Forms of Plurals The Many Forms of Plurals By Mark Nichol Plurals take many (sometimes curious or counterintuitive) forms. Here is an outline of how to form various types of plurals according to the word form or ending: For words ending in: nonsibilant, or voiceless, consonants: add -s (dogs). voiced, or sibilant, consonant blends: add -es (riches). vowels: add -s (knees). -f: delete -f and add -ves (loaves) or -s (chiefs). -x: add -es (foxes). -y: delete -y and add -ies (bodies). For words of Latin or Greek origin ending in: -a: add -s or -e, depending on context (formulas/formulae). -ex: add -es or delete -x and add -ces, depending on context (indexes/indices). -ies: leave as is (species). -is: change to -es (axis). -ma: add -s or -ata, depending on context (stigmas/stigmata). -um: add -s (aquariums), delete -um and add -a (curricula), or either depending on context (mediums/media). -us: delete -us and add -i (alumni), -ii (radii), -era (genera), or -ora (corpora), or leave -us and add -es (octopuses) or use another form, depending on context (cactuses/cacti). Types of irregular forms include: ablaut, or mutated, plurals, with changes in the midst of a word (tooth/teeth; louse/lice). identical singular and plural forms (deer, spacecraft). -en and -ren endings (oxen, children). Some words have more than one plural form, one of which may be archaic (cows/kine) or reserved for a distinct meaning (dice/dies). One problematic category is in referring to fish in general and specific varieties of fish in particular: â€Å"Look at all the fish!†but â€Å"Gars are long, slender, predatory fishes.†Also, some types are given a distinct plural form (sharks, barracudas), though for others, the plural form is identical to the singular one (salmon, sturgeon). Plurals of letters, numbers, or abbreviations are generally formed simply by adding -s, although occasionally, the otherwise incorrect use of an interceding apostrophe is warranted (â€Å"Mind your p’s and q’s†). Usually, however, pluralizing names of letters requires no special treatment, especially when the letter is italicized, as here: â€Å"There are five es in beekeeper.†Initialisms and acronyms also require only an -s: â€Å"Many NGOs are headquartered here,†â€Å"It’s like having two NASAs.†The singular forms of some words are, because they end in s include gyros, kudos, and biceps (as well as triceps and quadriceps). The plural forms are the same, although the latter examples are also pluralized by adding -es. For other words, the original singular has been supplanted by a plural form used in both cases (alga by algae; graffito by graffiti). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Types of LanguageHow to Pronounce MobileEbook, eBook, ebook or e-book?
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Hegels Interpretation on Universal Love Research Paper
Hegels Interpretation on Universal Love - Research Paper Example The fragment starts with the author’s reasoning on equality. These contemplations of the equality of man in front of the Lord must have been aroused in Hegel by the events and ideas of the French revolution. In this fragment, Hegel states that the equality of right brings on the dependence of people. As a result, the man loses his domination over objects, and thus he loses his worth, whereas humans are used to measuring their worth by the degree of their influence over the objective world. Feeling himself only a tiny part of the universe, the man starts despising himself, thus injuring his self and coming to ever greater discord. Whereas â€Å"the object, severed from the subject, is dead†, the only kind of love he can experience towards Lord and the universe is the love to the dead objects. The living union between the man and the world is not possible, while love towards the dead object is unrequited. The individual finds himself opposed to the external world, entirely independent of it. The man loses the sense of life and does not see the essence of his existence. These passages, in fact, describe the state of many modern people. We spend our lives attempting to overcome our loneliness and seeking help outside, we are not able to bear responsibility for our acts. Feeling detached from the external world we doom ourselves for a constant struggle with the opposed world, which often seems to be hostile to us. Not realizing that we are the part of the universe, just as our arms and legs are parts of our body, we are not able to hear the voice of God in us and understand his intentions. We lose ourselves following the wrong teachings and ideals, and only love has the power to make us whole, able to understand the divine plans and feel the way the universe moves. Hegel explains that it is so difficult for the man to bear this nullity, while our necessity is always relative, â€Å"the one exists only for the other†(p.304).
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Observation Of Child Behaviors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Observation Of Child Behaviors - Essay Example Egocentrism was chosen as the relevant behavioral observation as it is a predominant characteristic of the preoperational stage of child development. Examining this aspect of youth behavior is important as children in the preoperational stage begin to learn important social lessons from peer reference groups that assist in healthy adult socialization. As the logic centers begin to form in the brain, children will establish the initial foundations of considering the perspectives and beliefs of others in their rationalization processes. During play, two children illustrated behaviors that supported egocentrism. One child, which the parent indicated was four years old, began to argue with another child in the sandbox about their methodology of play. The two children were burying action figures, using pretend play activities to essentially illustrate the perils of warfare. The child wanted the figures to remain buried, however, the other child continued to dig them up and pretend the figures could fly. The child chastised the other who unburied the figures, leading to a refusal to play together further. The main argument was that flying was wrong and that the action figure belonged in the sand in order to win the war. The child who demanded flight did not seem to care about the pressure being applied to keep the toy in the sand and told the chastising child that he was â€Å"stupid†and carried forward with his flight activities despite the protests and attempted lessons about the appropriate game play.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Human resources Essay Example for Free
Human resources Essay Sales and profits Human resources can improve sales and profit within the business. This is because the HR department itself are in control in terms of Hiring (including recruiting candidates, the interview process, negotiations, and signing contracts. ) So technically speaking if the HR department hired a sales man that was not up to satisfaction and was lacking sales. Then this may have been down to HR department not being thorough enough at the interview or their person specification. I believe the business should overlook the HR department and see what may need tweaking. I believe doing this would potentially help the measurement of sales and profit within the business. Because hiring a well-earned applicant for the job would be there will be more sales/profit. There are many technical resources that may help aid sales and profits to increase within a business. One technical resource that could potentially increase sales and profits is the use of software for a development of a website. Nowadays the majority of the population has some type of computer. Having a website for your business can be very effective, businesses may use a website to either sell their products/items or they might just use it for promotion and advertisement purposes. One may be effective more the other depending on the type of business. Although at the end of the day both ways in which you use a website for your business is effective. As it will promote it to a wide range of audiences that have access to the web, this then would result in sales and profits potentially increasing. Physical resources may be necessary if the business may need publicity for it to operate. For example, having a branch. More customers are more likely to join a ‘firm’ if you have a branch and by this time the finance could potentially increase gradually, therefore improving sales profits. Financial resources can help monitor the finance within the business. A business needs to insure that they have enough money so that they are able to order stock/products e. c. t. They also have to insure that they are monitoring the money effectively so that they have money for bills, wages and other expenses. I believe using financial resources can help aid a business’s profit and sales just by monitoring effectively. Customer base The HR department are in control of the Promotions and raises within the business. If for example a group of customers come on a regular basis to buy various products for a specific price. Then if one day HR decides to raise the cost of product doing this could potentially damage the customer base. This is why it is important for the HR department to ensure that they have regular promotions within the business they should also only raise the product items if it is completely necessary, otherwise it could affect suppliers or other customers that are In businesses ‘customer base. ’ Carrying this entire out could defiantly aid the customer base. Having technical resources available means that the business is able to keep a customer base. This can be done by customers be able to use a website for latest information or they can get updated emails e. c. t. I believe ensuring a business has an email system and website is important as it can maintain a customer base for people that are interested. A business should use physical resources to set up a customer base. There are many physical ways in which you can set up a customer base or help get one together. As a business you should always be on the hunt for new customers and seeking methods to bring them to your door. If you are not consistently looking for opportunities-s to build your customer base, your business could fall off of the growth track. One really popular way to start up a new customer base is it to use Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or LinkedIn. It all depends on whom you are targeting for business. Managing financial resources is about getting the most from the resources you have available. It involves implementing resource management procedures and it also controls and can include managing costs and maximising opportunities. A customer base can be managed and improved by using a bank loan or some type of finance resource. Using this investment business should use it to promote/advertisement their company, doing this could potentially help create or increase a customer base. Employee satisfaction and staff turnover HR department could potentially help aid the employee satisfaction within a business. This is because HR are in control off the employee, HR have the power to dismiss an employee they also have the power to promote an employee. The HR should ensure that all the employees are comfortable in their job they should do this by using questionnaires at the end of the month for employees to fill in, I believe doing this could potentially increase the employee satisfaction that they have on the business. HR should include special days once a month and include a paid meal for all employees; this could potentially raise employee satisfaction. Staff turnover is controlled by the HR department and Therefore they are in control in terms of employing new employee’s e. c. t. Although HR should be well aware and only employ employees that meet the full requirements for the job. Technical resources can make the work place more appealing and may satisfy employees. For example having computers in an office for employees to work on will satisfy them. Although if for example the work place did not have computers, employees may feel unsatisfied and they may feel uncomfortable this then may result in employees quitting their job. That is why it important for every work place to ensure that they have technical resources within the work place if necessary. Ensuring that the work place has computers and other technical resources may positively affect the staff turnover within the business. It may result in receiving a good reputation in terms of having good equipment and resources within the work place. Employee Job Satisfaction surveys allows an organization to understand their employees. Employees often act on the basis of their environment, the behaviour of their colleagues, and management policies. Employee satisfaction and retention surveys can give management the knowledge and tools that directly impact the bottom line and business outcomes and doing this could potentially build positive employee relations and a positive work environment. This could later down the line increase staff turnover as employees by feel comfortable and like their job more this therefore will potentially increase staff turnover. Finance within a business can increase employee satisfaction. For example if the work place is poor businesses should use financial resources to sort it out, if left poor employees may feel ‘unsatisfied. ’ This also could result in staff turnover to decline. Customer satisfaction The HR department are responsible for hiring employees with respect. The HR department should ensure that before hiring an applicant that they show good customer communication and they should also have a good experience with customers. Also ensuring that the applicants have these qualities is important especially as a sales man. Having attitudes towards customers would defiantly affect the businesses customer satisfaction in a whole. Tasks in hand cannot be completed without these vital technical Resources. For instance; if computers or any other technical resource is damaged or not working for a particular reason then, this may effect customer satisfaction. With physical resources there would be no customer satisfaction. Physical resources are known to be the resources made by man through his abilities and skill. The technology, buildings, and many more products. Therefore if the building layout is poor this could result in customers not being satisfied. Finance resources can be used to aid customer satisfaction. A small group of member can be funded by finance resources to carry out customer surveys this can be used to help manage customer satisfaction within the business. Customer satisfaction is down to the service and the quality of the service. This can be managed and potentially increased by using financial resources to improve the quality and the service. Levels of efficiency Human resources departments play a critical role in contributing to the Overall productivity and efficiency of an organization. As HR helps to build a stronger workforce through better recruiting, training and retention, the Workforce helps drive the efficiency of the business as a whole. Levels of efficiency can be improve and measured. This can be measured by using technical resources. For example using a piece of software such as ‘excel’, this type of technical resource can help businesses record figures e. c. t. Also using this piece of software could potentially improve the levels of efficiency within the business. Levels of efficiency can be measured using technology (physical resources. ) Businesses can measure the efficiency using computers. Measuring the levels of efficiency is important as business are able to see an overall view of the businesses performance/efficiency Finance resources can help increase the levels of efficiency. There are a number of ways in which this can be increased. The business should see where which area is falling and they should invest money into this to resolve the problem. 2 June 2013 From: UkAdvisers Subject: Measures of performance and resources Introduction Definitions: Performance measurements: A sale is something that is sold for generally money. Although profit on the other hand, is money that is made through services it also excluding all expenses. A customer base is group of customers that come on regular basis and is serve by the business or service. Employee satisfaction is important is any business without it a business will lack employees working. What is does it mean? Employee satisfaction is how an employee feels in terms of their workplace/job role. Staff turnover is the amount of staff joining and leaving the business. Customer satisfaction is similar too previous performance measurement, although customer satisfaction in a whole is how a customer feels about the business overall. The definition behind the levels of efficiency within a business is in other word the overall performance of the business, for example efficiency within a workplace is the time it takes to do something. Efficient employees and managers complete tasks in the least amount of time possible with the least amount of resources possible by utilizing certain time saving strategies/methods. Resources: Physical resources are known to be the resources that are made by man through his skill. The technology, buildings, and many other products that are made by man are just some examples of physical resources. Financial resources concern the ability of the business to finance its chosen strategy. An example of this is a strategy that requires investment in is things such as new products; distribution channels and working capital these will all place great strain on the business finances. Human resources (HR) is a department within the company that is responsible with finding, screening, recruiting and training job applicants, as well as employee programs. Technological resources are such things as software, designs, music or text. Findings: I believe for ‘sales and profit’ the important resource for this is technical resources, the reason I have chosen this as the most important resource for this performance measurement is because within this resource businesses will fail to get the business on-line they will also will be unable to measure the sales and profit within the business this potentially could then damage the business. I have chosen finance resource as the least important resource for sales and profit, the reason I done this is because although finance could potentially help a business it can also damage a business in terms of paying back interest, businesses may out take various loans or other types of finance and then struggle paying it back due to the large amount of interest (%) attached. A customer base is important in a business and in my personal opinion I believe that again ‘technical resources’ are the most vital compared to the others. This is because nowadays a large percentage of the population have internet and visit social websites such as; Twitter and Facebook. If a business had the right technical resources available then depending on the business having Facebook for example and starting up a Facebook fan page or customer page could potentially increase a customer base or it could maintain a longer existing customer base. The least important resource that would slightly affect a customer base is using finance resources. I believe that using finance wouldn’t maintain a customer base or increase a customer base unless used for promotion etc. Employee satisfaction is important if businesses want employees to stay working. This is why I believe physical resources are the most important resource. The reason I believe this is because handing out questionnaires to employees for feedback and improvement’s will reassure customers and make them feel more comfortable it will also give an opportunity to employees to get their point across about something they may not like within the business. The least effective resource for this is technical resources, having few technical resources may not mean that employees will be unsatisfied, also the business may not necessarily need technical resources for its purpose. Human resources (HR) in my opinion is the most important resource for satisfying customers, this is because HR are responsible for hiring well-respective and well suited people for the job. Without this customers may feel unsatisfied with their service or their talk with an employee. I also believe that ‘finance resources’ are the least important; this is because you can’t realistically fund customer satisfaction. Levels of efficiency again HR are responsible for who is hired and therefore if HR are not thorough enough with their recruitment process it may result in the company receiving an employee that is not suited enough for the job role this then would mean that the levels of efficiency within the business may decline. Conclusion: In conclusion, In my opinion I believe that human resources is the most important resource within a business and the most effective this is because HR are in charge of employee and their motivation and it also improves organizational productivity, if employees are well remunerated, with good salaries, wages, bonuses, and other fringed benefits such as housing allowance and medical allowances. This type of attitude motivation drives an employee to work as if it where his company, and thus in the long run the business will start too increase productivity. I believe that having a good motivation for something helps a person succeed. Evaluate the adequacy of accounting ratios as a means of monitoring the state of the business. (UNIT 2 D2) This is an informal report and the structure of the main section is as follows: (a) Introduce the accounting ratios. Which main areas do they measure? (Profitability, efficiency, liquidity). Why are these important? (b) How are these used to monitor the state of the business? (compare to last year, to plan, to similar businesses, to industry average) What problems might there be in using the ratios in these circumstances? (c) What cant be measured with ratios that would be considered as relevant to measuring the state of the business? (e. g. environmentally friendly, staff motivation). Explain some examples. How important are these things when measuring the state of the business? Conclusion Given all of the above, how useful are accounting ratios to help you measure the state of a business?
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Blaise Pascal :: essays research papers
Blaise Pascal Blaise Pascal was born in Clermont France on June 19, 1623, and died in Paris on Aug. 19, 1662. His father, a local judge at Clermont, and also a man with a scientific reputation, moved the family to Paris in 1631, partly to presue his own scientific studies, partly to carry on the education of his only son, who had already displayed exceptional ability. Blaise was kept at home in order to ensure his not being overworked, and it was directed that his education should be at first confined to the study of languages, and should not include any mathematics. Young Pascal was very curious, one day at the age of twelve while studying with his tutor, he asked about the study of geometry. After this he began to give up his play time to persue the study of geometry. After only a few weeks he had mastered many properties of figures, in particular the proposition that the sum of the angles of a triangle is equal to two right angles. His father noticed his sons ability in mathematics and gave him a copy of Euclids's Elements, a book which Pascal read and soon mastered. At the young age of fourteen he was admitted to the weekly meetings of Roberval, Mersenne, Mydorge, and other French geometricians. At the age of sixteen he wrote an essay on conic sections; and in 1641 at the age of 18 he construced the first arithmetical machine, an instrument with metal dials on the front on which the numbers were entered. Once the entries had been completed the answer would be displayed in small windows on the top of the device. This device was improved eight years later. His correspondence with Fermat about this time shows that he was then thurning his attention to analytical geometry and physics. At this time he repeated Torricelli's experiments, by which the pressure of the atmosphere could be estimated as a weight, and he confirmed his theory of the cause of barometrical variations by obtaining at the same instant readings at different altitudes on the hill of Puy-de-DÃ ´me. A strange thing about Pascal was that in 1650 he stoped all he reasearched and his favorite studies to being the study of religion, or as he sais in his Pensees, "contemplate the greatness and the misery of man." Also about this time he encouraged the younger of his two sisters to enther the Port Royal society. In 1653 after the death of his father he returned to his old studies again, and made several experiments on the
Monday, November 11, 2019
National Bank of Borneo Essay
I. NATIONAL BANK OF BORNEO II. COMPANY BACKGROUND National Bank of Borneo is one of local banks in Brunei. Its establishment was indebted to Mr. Khoo Teck Puat the father of the detained Khoo Ban Hock. Mr. Khoo Teck Puat is a son of a rich trader, who in 1933 merged several banks together to form Singapore’s biggest, OCBC or Overseas- Chinese Banking Corporation. After his impeded rise in the position, he left and went to Malaysia. In Malaysia he founded Malayan Banking and very rapidly he was able to open 100 branches in just one year. In six years time, the bank that he founded equal that of OCBC in Singapore, with this he was able to own 60% of Malayan Banking. Seven years later the Malayan Central Bank or BN Bank of Negara forced Khoo out, alleging excessive lending to his own companies. After leaving Malayan Banking he retained his interest in the bank’s branch in Brunei. This branch was about to be closed in 1962 but with the help of share investment by the royal company, the bank now called National Bank of Borneo prospered. National Bank of Borneo is a bank which is the larger of the two local banks in Borneo. It has advances of $ 1.128 billion, deposits of $ 1.147 billion, total capital and reserves of $ 199.4 million, and a post tax profit of $ 31.1 million. III. VIEWPOINT IV. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM One case from Brunei concerns Khoo Teck Phuat and his son Khoo Ban Hock. The latter was managing director of NBB w. Under his charge, the bank loaned more than Brunei $1 billion (which is equivalent to Singapore $1 billion) to companies controlled by his father. These loans were undocumented and unsecured. It was claimed that these offences under Brunei banking laws by Khoo Ban Hock were committed under the control and his direction of his father. When this dishonesty was discovered, the younger Khoo was sentenced to 3 years jail but later only served two. The elder Mr Khoo was not charged, but it was understood that he made restitution of about S$600 million to cover the losses suffered by various party. Mr Khoo Teck Puat later went on to become a billionaire, and was of the largest shareholders in megabank Standard Chartered when he died in 2004. However, after the NBB scandal, he kept a low profile.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Antigone Reaction Essay
Abstract This paper explores the relevance of the plot and theatrical elements of the great Greek tragedy, Antigone. It explains how even though Antigone was written thousands of years ago it is still important today; it is a play that all can relate to in some way. It also discusses my personal reactions to the play: what I liked, what I didn’t like, and what I thought could have been done differently for the improvement of the play. Antigone was written as the last play in a trilogy of tragedies. As one of the last remaining thirty-one plays from Ancient Greece, Antigone contains a plot and theatrical practices that were not only appreciated and relevant back in the days when it was written but that are also appreciated and relevant now. In the play, Antigone breaks the law by giving her brother a proper burial even though her king, Creon, has deemed him a traitor. She is caught in the act, and, as her punishment, forced into a cave where she will starve and die. Her fiancee, Creon’s son, begs Creon to release her, but Creon will not. Only after the seer tells Creon that if he does not spare Antigone the Gods will take vengeance does Creon go to Antigone’s cave to release her. Unfortunately, Antigone has already killed herself, and so has Creon’s son, out of heart break. The overall theme of this play-to stand up for what one believes is right-morphs as the plot goes on. At first, we see Antigone: a young, strong girl doing what she thinks is right (burying her brother) even though she knows it’s against the law. Throughout the plot, she stands by her decision, even when faced with her own demise. She never stops standing up for what she believes is right. King Creon, on the other hand, starts off believing that not burying the traitor brother is right, and anyone who defies his order should, rightfully, be put to death. He stands by this belief, even when the perpetrator is his son’s fiancee. But once he finds out that the Gods are not pleased with is decision to leave the brother unburied and to punish the sister, his belief quickly adapts. His character and his belief of right and wrong changes, showing the second part of the theme-what you believe is right may not always be right, and you need to be prepared to deal with the consequences. These themes are part of what makes the play relevant throughout the ages. Another part of what makes the play relevant throughout the ages are the theatrical practices. Since it’s a Greek tragedy, there are some theatrical practices that are outdated or not used in modern plays, such as the Chorus. However, the language, costumes, sets, lighting, and other technical elements used are simple enough that any theatre could easily produce this play. All they’d have to do is recreate the kind of dress that was worn in Ancient Greece. This play leaves quite a bit to the imagination of the director, actors, and designers. For example, it never describes the set in extreme, minute detail. This menas that the designers can make the set look just about anyway they want as long as they stick to the general outline of where the scene is taking place. Also, it never describes the characters in minute detail. This means the actors and directors can portray the characters however they wish as long as they stay true to the characters personality. As a reader, I very much enjoyed this play. The theme is one that all can relate to and learn from. It’s carried throughout the play very well, making the lesson and overall moral of the play easy to learn. The only thing that could have been done differently to make the play better, in my opinion, would be to give more description of the set and characters. Then, the reader could picture them better, but the actors could still depict them however they see fit. Even though Antigone was written thousands of years ago, it’s plotline and theatrical practices make it relevant and relatable today. That is what makes this great tragedy such a great classic.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Scarlette Letter Essays - English-language Films, The Scarlet Letter
Scarlette Letter Essays - English-language Films, The Scarlet Letter Scarlette Letter OTHER ELEMENTS SETTING There are two ways to talk about setting in The Scarlet Letter. One way is to look at the meaning or emotional overtones of specific places. A second and broader way is to examine the whole Puritan world in which Hawthorne has set his novel. Not just the time and place, Boston in the 1640s, but the values and beliefs that define Puritan society. THE MARKET-PLACE AND THE FOREST Far and away the most important scenes in The Scarlet Letter take place in two locations, the market-place and the forest. These are presented to us as very different places, reflecting very different human aspirations. The market-place is public. It lies at the very heart of the tiny enclave of civilization the Puritans have managed to carve out of the vast, untouched continent. The market-place contains both the church and the scaffold- institutions of law and religion. It is where criminals like Hester are punished, where penitents like Dimmesdale confess, and where men put on the faces they wear for the world. The forest, on the other hand, is dark and secret. It is where people come to let loose and be themselves. The forest track leads away from the settlement out into the wilderness where all signs of civilization vanish. The forest track is precisely the escape route from the dictates of law and religion to the promised land to the west where men can breathe free. The market-place and the forest are symbols of the choice that confronts the major characters in the novel. The choice is not as simple as it seems. For all its restraints, the market-place is safer and warmer than the forest. And you can't get into so much trouble there. In the heart of the settlement, there is the comfort of values that are shared, of laws that are laid down and respected. Above all, there is the comfort of people who care. The open air of the forest is exhilarating, but cold. Nothing is known in the wilderness, everything is up for grabs. There is no one around to stop you from going to the devil. And when you do, he is right there waiting for you. THE PURITAN WORLD Surely the setting of The Scarlet Letter- the stern, joyless world of Puritan New England- is one of the grimmest on record. It is all gloom and doom. If the sun ever shines, we hardly notice. The whole place seems shrouded in black. A question comes to mind as we read the novel. Why did Hawthorne choose this dark world for his masterpiece? Perhaps we can tackle that question by asking another one. Why did Hawthorne reject the contemporary scene? Even if he chose to ignore the richly suggestive American settings of the 1820s and '30s, (the Erie Canal, for instance, or the Alamo), he had first-hand material to draw on in his own life and career. Part of the answer, of course, is that Hawthorne could write about the contemporary scene. He did write about it in The Custom House. But what he could write was comedy. The pathetic old Salemites who worked for Uncle Sam lent themselves not at all to the tragic work he had in mind. Perhaps if Hawthorne reached back to Salem in the 1600s, he would find more figures invested with the same dark and dusky grandeur, more men and women who would speak as directly to his creative imagination. The Puritan world of the mid-17th century apparently gave Hawthorne something he badly needed- people who lived their lives to the full instead of snoring them away. In the pages of The Scarlet Letter, the Puritans emerge from the shadows of an earlier time, broad shouldered, ruddy cheeked, firm of step, and direct of speech. They were a stern people, of course, and repressive. They probably put the lid on more natural human impulses and emotions than any society before or since. But just for that reason, emotions boiled over, passions a novelist could seize at red heat. More important, the Puritans had a moral vitality never again found on the American scene. For a writer like Hawthorne, intrigued with the subject of conscience, here were
Monday, November 4, 2019
Social Responsibility Practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Social Responsibility Practices - Essay Example Socially Responsible Business Practices 5 4.1 Designing Facilities 5 4.2 Developing Process Improvements 6 4.3 Discontinuing Product Offerings 6 4.4 Selecting Suppliers 6 4.5 Choosing manufacturing and packaging materials 6 4.6 Providing full disclosure 6 4.7 Employee Welfare Programs 6 4.8 Measuring, tracking and Reporting 6 4.9 Children’s Marketing 6 4.10 Access for the disabled 7 4.11 Privacy for Customer Information 7 4.12 Plant, outsourcing, retail location decision 7 5. Conclusion 7 6. References 8 1. Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a field of study has created a niche for itself among the academia, corporate, the government and other agencies. Starting at the beginning of the twenty first century, there has been a growing interest in Socially Responsible Investment. There is always a conflict of interest between business and society. From an ethical standpoint, CSR helps create an ideal society due to the actions of companies. However, the economic view is that profit should be maximized. As Leonard and McAdam point out, CSR includes issues such as human rights, workplace, unfair trade practices, ecology, consumers, community involvement and social development among others; and it has a bearing on organizational aspects like manufacturing, marketing, packaging, pricing, and distribution (27-29). CSR has evolved gradually from a ‘compulsory’ attitude to an ‘instructional’ one to a ‘suggestion’ one. This implies a process towards a complex and nuanced framework to define the concept and implement the practice of CSR. 2. Concept of CSR The World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD) defines CSR as â€Å"the commitment of business to contribute to sustainable economic development, working with employees, their families, the local community and society at large to improve their quality of life†(as qtd in Centidamar and Husoy 164). The best CSR initiatives are taken volun tarily on behalf of companies. Encouragement rather than punishment is a better alternative. The stakeholders in CSR should include customers, employees, suppliers, local neighbourhood etc. A softer relationship rather than a formal one should be the basis for collaboration with various stakeholders. Further, CSR brings together various organizations i.e. makes a network among them or builds communication channels between them (Centidamar and Husoy 165). As long as companies can benefit economically, they will implement CSR. Environmentally sound technology is the perfect example for this trend. Increased investments in technology will finally result in increased profits. Not only can innovations improve the corporate image, but also reduce the costs involved (165). Quality is part and parcel of CSR. The lower the company’s ethics, the lesser will be the success of Total Quality Management (TQM). Moreover, the brand image of a corporation is affected if it ignores quality. 3. Importance of CSR The following is a description of some of the merits and the criticism of CSR which together explain the significance attached to this growing field. 3.1 Limiting Litigations Every company has to cross swords with the law of the land at some point of time. Litigations arise when there is an aggrieved party who does not have faith in the company finding a solution that is fair to him/her. CSR is an attitude and a way of doing business. Implementing CSR can
Saturday, November 2, 2019
ETHICS AND FINANCIAL SERVICES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
ETHICS AND FINANCIAL SERVICES - Essay Example During this era, some of its techniques were quite confusing and blatant. The company had excluded some of its expenses from its financial book. The case highlights various red flags such as an extreme growth-oriented management team and growing need for extra capital. With this, the auditors allowed themselves to be misled and missed the red flags that could have alerted them to dig and analyse their analysis more deeply. During the era 1990-1994, the company was involved in a fraud scheme whereby Gottlieb and Drabinsky received $7, 000, 000 directly or through the company owned by Gottlieb. Approximately $ 4, 000, 000 of the total amount was capitalized as the pre-production costs. Gottlieb and Drabinsky operated a kickback scheme with Livent vendors and took the mentioned amount from the company and took into their own pocket. To fully convince the company of the transaction, Gottlieb instructed the two vendors to present an invoice that could not expose their deal. After Livent agreeing to the deal, Gottlieb and Drabinsky received the payment for bogus services. In the mid 1990s, it became difficult for the company to attain its financial goals. Gottlieb and Drabinsky enjoyed their financial gain, and in turn, the company had to bear the loss. It became difficult for the company to raise additional capital to sustain its operation. Further, Gottlieb and Drabinsky manipulated the company by directi ng Livent’s accounting staff to obscure the company’s financial crisis. Some of the manipulations included erasing the accounting records that recorded the liabilities and expenses of the company at the end of each year. The Livent’s accounting staff engaged into an accounting scam of transferring the preproduction costs of existing show to shows that was in production. This transfer manipulated the company to comprehend the cost of the major items used in production. To reduce the costs of
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